"Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a member of it. And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, and those with gifts of healing, helping, administration and various tongues".
It takes all the moving parts of the body to assemble together for effective ministry. Each member in the body of Christ, has a role to play to enrich the people of God. When God plants you in a ministry, it is not for you to be an onlooker or pew warmer, rather, to participate and make your gifts, talents, abilities, knowledge and skillsets available to serve God and His people.
At DCI, we encourage you to walk in the spirit of excellence as you make yourself available to be a blessing to others. Sometimes, people do not know which area will be a best fit, but their availability, flexibility, teachability and humble spirit always leads them to discover who God has called them to be and do in the body of Christ. Pray and ask God to order your steps into the ministry facet at DCI where you can serve, be blessed and become a channel of blessing to all. DCI is dedicated to training all volunteers in the various ministries.

Music & Dance Ministry
We encourage all who have been graced with the gifts, talents and abilities in music to join our music ministry.
Praise & Worship Team
Psalmist/Music Ministers
Dance Ministers

Media Ministry
If you are skilled and knowledgeable in media, we need your ministry. Our media ministry includes the following:
Audio-visuals used in worship services.
Sound engineering
Ministry Media (books, CDS, DVDS, etc.)
Social Media

Protocol Ministry
Our protocol ministry consists of the following:
Armor bearers
Parking Lot Attendants
Safety & Security Personnel
Ushers (In-Person Worship Services & Member Care)
Pastoral Support (Healing & Deliverance Team)

Intercessory Ministry
We invite all those called to be the watchmen on the tower to join our intercessory teams.
Prayer Warriors (Warfare, healing & deliverance intercessors)
Apostolic & Prophetic Intercessors (Church Planting & Enforcing Prophetic decrees)
Global Intercessory Team (Intercede for all DCI facets)
Prayer Chain Intercessors (Pastoral/Leadership Team)
Soul Winning Intercessory Team (Salvation of individuals, families, revivals, conferences, crusades, missions etc.)

Events & Hospitality Ministry
You just have a knack for planning and organizing, you have a heart to serve people and enjoy leaving an indelible mark in the lives of people. Welcome to the events and hospitality ministry.
Event Planners
Event Decorators
Caterers/Catering Service
Event Hosts
VIP & Pastoral Care
Transportation & Accommodation Liaisons
Event Registration Hosts (Retreats, Workshops, Seminars, Conferences etc.)
Children's Ministry
Train a child in the way he should go and when he grows he will not depart from it. (It applies to both girls and boys). We believe in raising our children in the fear of God from a very early age. We encourage nursing mothers who have infants through toddlers to take care of their children during church services. There are resources, special seating and aids we make available to enable our mothers to participate in services.
We offer ministry to the following age groups during our in-person services:
Ages 3 to 5
Ages 6 to 8
Ages 9 to 12

College & Youth Ministry
College Ministry
Be that light on your college campus (Ages 18 to 29). Bring the supernatural ministry of DCI to your college campus by introducing them to Jesus Christ. Get them rooted in the word of God, they will experience the Holy Spirit and begin to walk in the supernatural dimensions of God. Make serious Kingdom impact!
We provide global youth ministry to teens ages 13 to 18 during the 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month from 8:00pm to 8:45pm via Zoom and our online streaming platforms. Local fellowships or branches may meet at different times.
Women's Ministry
Virtuous Women Ministry (ALL Women)
Gen-Esther (Grooming of all young ladies and teaching them to walk in their purpose: Ages 14 to 21)
Women of Excellence (Mentees of Lady Rev. Rosemary Noah)

Men's Ministry
Men's ministry
Mighty Men of Valor Ministry (ALL Men)
Caleb's Army (Ministry & Project Development)
Torch Bearers (Mentors & Men of Wisdom impacting the younger generation, men who grew up in single family homes and men recovering from various challenges in life)