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join the dci family
Welcome to our membership page! We are glad you are a part of this wonderful family of God. If you are now seeking membership, then you are about to experience God's love in a dynamic way.
Some scriptures on Membership in a ministry/church
1 Corinthians 12:12-14
1 Corinthians 12:21
1 Corinthians 12:26-27
Ephesians 4:11-16
Hebrews 10:25
Membership Benefits
Become a part of a great church/ministry family.
Receive ministry support for you and your family.
Receive spiritual guidance and counseling.
Enjoy ministry perks, discounts at events/programs.
Enjoy courtesy and complimentary services and or gifts at ministry events.
Get access to ministry literature, webinars, videos etc.
Partake in sacraments/ordinances: Baptism, Communion, officiating of weddings, Baby dedications, Pre-marital/Post Marital counseling, Hospital visitations, Funerals/Burials etc.
Receive spiritual impartation.
What to expect after your membership registration:
A Membership Welcome Message
Membership Account
Invitation to complete a membership class
Receive a membership certificate/ID Card
Ministry Literature/information etc.