global outreach
Our ministry heaquarters (the supernatural arena) is currently located in Hamilton, Ohio, USA. All church branches fellowships and outreach centers are under the oversight of the Founder & General Overseer, Prophet David Joe Mensah Noah & Co-Founder & Executive Lady Rev. Rosemary Noah.
The global vision of the church is to fulfill Matthew 28:16-20. DCI has and continues to train five-fold ministry leaders in the DCI Bible Institute, USA. Our Ministerial network (DCIMN), which is our ordination and licensing arm ordains trained clergy into ministry to fulfill our divine and global mandate given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Ministry Branches
Part of our vision for 2023 and beyond is to open fellowships around the world. Our fellowships are groups of 3 to 20 members in a home setting or meeting space. The fellowship structure enables our upcoming young ministers to receive hands on ministry training and experience the dynamics in serving people. Seasoned clergy can also start or lead a fellowship until the appropriate infrastructure are in place to start a ministry branch. As the fellowship begins to grow, they transition into a full-scale ministry branch with all the organizational structures needed to run it. If you are interested in starting a DCI fellowship where you are, please email the corporate office and receive assistance and or guidance to do so.
DCI is currently looking into opening fellowships in the following places in the USA:
Virginia Beach, VA
North Carolina
Montréal, Canada
Outreach Centers
DCI outreach centers focus on charitable and humanitarian initiatives in local communities around the world. Any member of DCI with the approval of our corporate ministry office can operate an outreach center. These can be in brick and mortar building, tent, temporal structures or day events in communities.
Our outreach centers may embark on the following:
Food Pantries / Food Drive (distribution of food stuffs/groceries)
Clothes Drive
Back to School give-aways
Charitable donations to Widows
Shelters or temporary homes for the homeless
Support for local ministries, churches etc.